** Service (firebasemessaging) Start **
sending message to waiting queue of uninitialized activity (submitjob)
sending message to waiting queue of uninitialized activity (submitjob)
** Receiver (websyncrdc) OnReceive **
** Receiver (webfwdrdc) OnReceive ** [B]>>> no longer exists[/B]
*** Service (starter) Create ***
starter service create
** Service (starter) Start **
starter service start
reading settings
(SQLiteException) android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: duplicate column name: Address (code 1): , while compiling: ALTER TABLE records ADD Address TEXT
Error Code : 1 (SQLITE_ERROR)
Caused By : SQL(query) error or missing database.
[B]>>> no longer exists, i was using ALTER TABLE in the past[/B] (duplicate column name: Address (code 1): , while compiling: ALTER TABLE records ADD Address TEXT)
(RuntimeException) java.lang.RuntimeException: Object should first be initialized.
Manutenzione completata
*** Service (webfwdrdc) Create ***
WebFwd create [B]>>> no longer exists, I was using this service in the past[/B]
** Service (webfwdrdc) Start ** >>> no longer exists
Service started in foreground mode.
WebFwd Start [B]>>> no longer exists[/B]
Stopping WebFwd
** Service (websyncrdc) Create **
WebSYnc Create