Android Question Unplanned obsolescence


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I notice that my old B4A applications become obsolete over time or contain bugs created by successive Android updates. For example, the size chosen for characters no longer corresponds to the frame and must be reduced so that the display remains compatible...


Well-Known Member
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Yes, of course Klaus!
Here are 2 screenshots, one with the old application: we see that the seconds are not displayed because the character size is 35.
I modified the application by reducing the size of the characters from 35 to 30 and this gives the second and third image.



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The question is: does it come from Android updates or from updates of my Smartphone (SONY). I'm not at home and I haven't been able to test if this problem occurs on my other Android devices.
On the other hand, I noticed that the same problems arise on my other applications, always regarding the size of the characters which has changed...

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Longtime User
Did you change the text size in the settings of one of these devices ?
Look at Écran / Taille et style de police.

I get the left image with 'Normal' size and the right image with a Big size.

It looks strange that the text sizes, in your images, on top seem to remain the same size.
In my case, they change too.
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No Klaus, I haven't changed anything on my Smartphone in terms of display but I understand what you mean, maybe the display was changed without my knowledge in one way or another.
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Well-Known Member
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You were right Klaus (as often if not always...) I made changes to the size of the font and/or the display on my Smartphone and this has an impact on the display of my applications, I I checked on those that I haven't modified yet...

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