Android Question Unreadable list of messages when opening an existing project


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Longtime User
When I open some of my projects I get a text box appearing showing a list of something while the project is loading.
The box goes away when the project is loaded, and the project compiles and runs fine.
The problem is that the text displayed is unreadable as the text color and background color are either the same or very close.
I add a lot of images as resources in my project, so my guess is that the message is indicating some sort of problem with these.
The project is not showing any unused files.
Does anyone know what this is showing and how I can make it readable?

It does not seem to be possible to screen shot this message as the IDE seems to grab the thread until the message goes away.



Licensed User
Longtime User
I have not run into that exact problem, but maybe Erel can modify the IDE so that it will log any startup dialog messages into the log/event tab when the IDE loads. This way you can clearly see these startup messages in the log list without it disappearing.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
You should be able to take a screenshot. It will help as I'm not sure which dialog you see.
Eventually, I managed to read this list. It is a list of files with the message 'Unable to find the specified file'.
So presumably these are files that I've added to the project, then deleted from the disk without removing them from the project.
In my case they will all be JPEG files.
While there is a Clean Files Folder tool to get rid of files that have not been added to the project, I am not aware of any tool that does the reverse, and checks that added files still exist?
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