Android Question Update 2 Joined Tables SQLITE

Jay Young

Licensed User
Longtime User
How do you use the UPDATE statement to Update two joined tables in SQLite, I have table1 that has 9 columns in it and i Join Table2 that has 1 column in it with a Select statement, I want to be able to UPDATE both tables at the same time.

Hope this is clear

Thanks for any help

Jay Young

Licensed User
Longtime User
this is the code i have been working on,

Query = "UPDATE inventory SET item = ?, instock = ?, ordamt = ?, Type = ?, container = ?, date = ?, flag = ? Where _id = " & edtDbIdUP
Cursor1 = Main.SQL100.ExecQuery2(Query, Array As Object(edtItemUP, edtInStockUP, edtOrdAmtUP, edtTypeUP, edtContainerUP, edtDateUP, edtFlagUP))

Query2 = "UPDATE monday SET pars = ? WHERE _id = " & edtDbIdUP
Cursor2 = Main.SQL100.ExecQuery2(Query2, Array As Object(edtParsUP))
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