Sub Camera1_PictureTaken (Data() As Byte)
' --------------- Save Image to DB by UPDATE ---------------
SQL1.ExecnonQuery2("UPDATE TableName SET FieldNameString1 = '1', FieldNameBlob = ? WHERE FieldNameString2 LIKE '%" & MyRefLink1 & "%' ", Array As Object(Data))
End Sub
Hi, i'm upgrade to Android SDK 7.1.1 and the code good before stop work now, i search to much solution and no understand all app it ok only UPDATE no work ?
SQL1.ExecnonQuery2("UPDATE TABLE SET ETIQUETTE = ? WHERE SITE LIKE '%" & MyRefPosition & "%' ", Array As String(MyRefValue))
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDiskIOException: disk I/O error (code 1802)
Error Code : 1802 (SQLITE_IOERR_FSTAT)
Caused By : Failed to get database file information with system call stat(). Please confirm whether database file has been removed.
(disk I/O error (code 1802))