Hi all,
I'am trying to update a prog I've done a few year ago. The purpose is to copie a file from my tablet to a shared folder on my computer. So I have a service that used to run in background with " StartServiceAT". I understood that not the right way to it now, so I need to adjust the service. The main activity create a file pointe.txt. The service is supposed to copy this file to my shared folder in background.
Can someone help me on this, please.
I'am trying to update a prog I've done a few year ago. The purpose is to copie a file from my tablet to a shared folder on my computer. So I have a service that used to run in background with " StartServiceAT". I understood that not the right way to it now, so I need to adjust the service. The main activity create a file pointe.txt. The service is supposed to copy this file to my shared folder in background.
Can someone help me on this, please.
Service to copy to shared folder:
#Region Service Attributes
#StartAtBoot: false
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
Public smbClient1 As SMBClient
Private filna,filna1,filna2 As String
Private now1 As Long
Private emplrx2 As String
Private emploc2 As String
Private Reader As TextReader
Private empltb2 As String
Private emplimp2 As String
Private Notification1 As Notification
Private MP As MediaPlayer
Private shared1 As String
Private lock As PhoneWakeState
End Sub
Sub Service_Create
Service.AutomaticForegroundMode = Service.AUTOMATIC_FOREGROUND_NEVER 'we are handling it ourselves
Notification1.Icon = "icon" 'use the application icon file for the notification
Notification1.Vibrate = False
End Sub
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
Reader.Initialize(File.OpenInput(shared1, "Timanmay/param.txt"))
emploc2 = Reader.ReadLine 'Emplacement local
emplrx2 = Reader.ReadLine 'Emplacement Réseau pointage
empltb2 = Reader.ReadLine 'Numéro de la tablette
emplimp2 = Reader.ReadLine 'Emplacement réseau import
'StartServiceAt( "",DateTime.now +0.2 * DateTime.ticksperminute,False)
Service.StartForeground(1, CreateNotification("..."))
End Sub
Sub copier
End Sub
Sub smbClient1_Resource(success1 As Boolean, smbobjres1 As Object,smbobj1 As Object, info1 As String)
If smbobjres1 <> Null And smbobj1 <> Null And info1 = "OK" Then
Dim smbResource As SMBResource = smbobjres1
End If
End Sub
Sub smbClient1_ListFiles (listfichiers1 As List)
If listfichiers1.IsInitialized Then
Dim tocopy1 As SMBFile
If File.Exists (shared1, "Timanmay/pointe.txt") <> False Then
If empltb2="null" Then
empltb2 = "1"
End If
now1 = DateTime.now
filna2 = empltb2 & "pointe"& filna1&filna
smbClient1.Copy2(emplrx2,"pointe.txt",tocopy1,filna2 & ".txt")
'SMB3.uploadfile(shared1, "Timanmay/pointe.txt","smb:" & emplrx,filna2 & ".txt")
Notification1.SetInfo("Timanmay","Le PC Timanmay n'est pas disponible",Main)
Notification1.Sound = False
Notification1.AutoCancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub smbClient1_CopyProgress(totalBytes As Long, path As String, filename As String)
End Sub
Sub smbClient1_CopyResult(success As Boolean, path As String, filename As String)
If success Then
File.Delete(shared1, "Timanmay/pointe.txt")
MP.Initialize( )
MP.Load(File.DirAssets, "copie.wav")
MP.SetVolume(1, 1)
End If
Notification1.SetInfo("Timanmay","La copie du fichier a réussi",Main)
Notification1.Sound = False
Notification1.AutoCancel = True
End Sub
Sub CreateNotification (Body As String) As Notification
Body="La copie du fichier a réussi"
Notification1.Sound = False
Notification1.AutoCancel = True
Return Notification1
End Sub
Sub Service_Destroy
End Sub