Android Question [SOLVED] Update to Android 14 causes B4A-Bridge to not install APK


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I just updated my Pixel 6 Pro to Android 14, and now B4A-Bridge won't install the APK. The blue install bar on B4A-Bridge goes about a quarter of the way, and then the message box asking if I want to install pops up. But then the B4A-Bridge screen remains and nothing happens. The app isn't installed. I tried the obvious things like restarting the phone, reinstalling B4A-Bridge, and restarting B4A. No luck. Any ideas?


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Here's something interesting, which seems to indicate the problem is with B4A-Bridge on Android 14.
  1. I uninstalled both B4A-Bridge and B4A Designer.
  2. I reinstalled B4A-Bridge, getting "Please allow B4A-Bridge to install applications." OK'd that.
  3. The usual "display over apps" permission request popped up. Allowed that for B4A-Bridge.
  4. B4A-Bridge immediately opened and showed connected because B4A was open on my laptop.
  5. The B4A Designer window popped up asking if I wanted to install it. I tapped Install.
  6. At this point, nothing happens. B4A Designer doesn't install.
  7. After a few seconds, the B4A Designer install request pops up again. Install doesn't happen.
  8. Tapping cancel, window disappears. But it pops up again in a few seconds.
B4A-Bridge is installed. But it can't install an APK - even B4A Designer.
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Switching to my wife's Pixel 4a on Android 13, with same version of B4A-Bridge (2.66), all works fine.
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You are still providing ecact zero information about your app.

Try to reproduce it with a small project and upload it.
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Peter Simpson

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Look at the attached screenshot, I have not come across any issues with P6P and A14.

Going twice...
Have you got only one WiFi connection?
Does it work with USB?


  • Screenshot_20231218-154533.png
    145.9 KB · Views: 272
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Personally every works on my test P6P and has done since the betas of 14 was released. The bridge works perfectly fine on the full version too. Do you only have 1 WiFi in your location?

Try installing APK files via a USB cable...
Wifi not the problem. Works fine on Pixel 3a/Android 13.
You are still providing ecact zero information about your app.

Try to reproduce it with a small project and upload it.
"Still?" This is your first reply to me @DonManfred . Think you meant the other thread ...
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Look at the attached screenshot, I have not come across any issues with P6P and A14.

Going twice...
Have you got only one WiFi connection?
Does it work with USB?
I totally believe you.
I have "only one wifi connection."
Just tried USB and there IS a problem sending it to my P6P. Will look into it. Thanks.
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try to copile the source code using the latest version of B4X and install it via USB. maybe, it's possible that there may be a permission issue with Android 14?
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At this point I'm successflly installing/testing my app with USB. I also ended up installing Designer9.apk in place of B4A-Designer. However, B4A-Bridge STILL does not install via wifi, which is too bad because it's so much quicker and more convenient. Could there indeed be some kind of permission issue with B4-Bridge on Android 14?
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Same is happening with me with pixel6a app is not working with b4a bridge even compile apk not installing in mobile
Are you on Android 14? Was it OK on 13? In any case, until this problem is (hopefully) solved, you can make a USB connection to the Pixel 6a and then copy the .apk from your project Objects folder to the Pixel 6a and install it from there (Files app). Make sure you enable Developer mode on the 6a, and also configure USB connections for data (default is no data).
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I suggest try to compile a blank app and see if it is the same. Sometimes the app with dependencies on some big libraries can take time to compile.
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Licensed User
new issue found with android version 14 while using b4abridge existing app is not updating its stuck while updating but when i copied whole project to a new project saved with another name its working cant figure out why this is happening , dear admin please help us to resolve this issue.
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B4X founder
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new issue found with android version 14 while using b4abridge existing app is not updating its stuck while updating but when i copied whole project to a new project saved with another name its working cant figure out why this is happening , dear admin please help us to resolve this issue.
Please start a new thread and provide more information.
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I freshly installed B4A-Bridge from Play Store on a Google Pixel 5, after the upgrade to Android 14. No issue at all to install my apps over the bridge. Same on a Galaxy A54, with Android 14,
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Sorry for my bad English, I use a translator.

I have noticed the following since the December Android 14 update:
Apps with no adaptive icon, no install/no update
Apps with adaptive icon, no problems

Curiously, the apps with no adaptive icon can be installed with the Files-app.

Maybe it will help.
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Derek Johnson

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Sorry for my bad English, I use a translator.

I have noticed the following since the December Android 14 update:
Apps with no adaptive icon, no install/no update
Apps with adaptive icon, no problems

Curiously, the apps with no adaptive icon can be installed with the Files-app.

Maybe it will help.
I tried a simple example shown here. It initially did not have an adaptive icon and it failed to load as did yours. I then just followed Erel's advice on adding and adaptive icon and it then loaded normally,

For reference here is the complete code of the initial example:

#Region Project Attributes
#ApplicationLabel: Test1
#VersionCode: 1
'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.
#SupportedOrientations: unspecified
#CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#AdditionalRes: ../icon
#End Region

#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: True
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
Private xui As XUI
Dim ToastTimer As Timer
End Sub

Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
Private Button1 As B4XView
Private b_Toast As B4XView
Private ToastMsg As B4XView
Private TPanel As B4XView
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
ToastTimer.Initialize("ToastTimer", 1500)
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

Sub Button1_Click
'xui.MsgboxAsync("Hide Panel", "B4X")
TPanel.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub Button3_Click
TPanel.Visible = True
End Sub

Sub ToastTimer_tick
TPanel.Visible = False
End Sub

Sub Toast(Msg As String)
TPanel.Visible = True
ToastMsg.Text = Msg
End Sub

Private Sub b_Toast_Click
Toast("Headings Shown")
End Sub

Without the icon folder and the other changes it fails to load through the B4A Bridge. It starts to load but then shows a flashing WiFi icon on the bridge screen.
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