Updating the forum software


Licensed User
Longtime User
I saw on the main page the news that relates to "new profile posts"
(I am ignorant, I do not know the purpose of the "profile posts": a sort of blog?)

Are there other new functionality to "test"?

Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
erel, only a ideia,
now with basic4ios can u make a division < android ios> on the website enter
and its a good ideia make a publish app like google play
with icons, like http://pt.appszoom.com/
icon + name, to help the users with marketing. the seo of this forum is very good


Active Member
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I never take my Phone/tablet/laptop with me to the toilet. I like to experience my bowel movements tech free ^_^

Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
I lost my old phone. fell in the toilet *-*
Galaxy Y
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