Hi everyone:
I made a small app for my company, learning at the same time I was making it.
Now I want to improve it with the things I'm learning and reading.
With the app, we make a lot of pictures (at about 200), and we upload them to a FTP server.
I made this with a resumable sub from my activity, but now I understand this is not the best way and I should move the FTP upload part to a service, in order not to be resumed if the screens locks or something like that. (and I should separate the logic code from the UI code)
I've been reading services tutorial and some FTP services threads, but I still have some questions.
My resumable sub, shows a modal diag with a progress bar, and I think services can't show UI's elements.
So, what would be the rigth way of doind this?
- Call the service from my activity, and let the service do all the job. I have a problem with this way, how can I know the progress? Can show in notification bar a progress bar like last versions of whatsapp while you listen an audio?
- Call the service from my activity, show the progress bar from the activity, and update it passing info throught globals variables between service and activity. (I think this is the rigth way)
- Start the upload from my activity, and call the service in activity resume to continue with the left files
Here is the code from my resumable sub.
Thanks in advance¡¡
I made a small app for my company, learning at the same time I was making it.
Now I want to improve it with the things I'm learning and reading.
With the app, we make a lot of pictures (at about 200), and we upload them to a FTP server.
I made this with a resumable sub from my activity, but now I understand this is not the best way and I should move the FTP upload part to a service, in order not to be resumed if the screens locks or something like that. (and I should separate the logic code from the UI code)
I've been reading services tutorial and some FTP services threads, but I still have some questions.
My resumable sub, shows a modal diag with a progress bar, and I think services can't show UI's elements.
So, what would be the rigth way of doind this?
- Call the service from my activity, and let the service do all the job. I have a problem with this way, how can I know the progress? Can show in notification bar a progress bar like last versions of whatsapp while you listen an audio?
- Call the service from my activity, show the progress bar from the activity, and update it passing info throught globals variables between service and activity. (I think this is the rigth way)
- Start the upload from my activity, and call the service in activity resume to continue with the left files
Here is the code from my resumable sub.
Sub UploadSite_Click
Dim FileName As String
Dim cmd As Object = FTP.SendCommand("MKD","/web/fotos/" & FileName)
Wait For (cmd) FTP_CommandCompleted(ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)
' If Success Then
' Log("Folder created")
' Else
' Log("Error creating folder")
' End If
'Creamos el panel Modal
If FileList.Size > 0 Then
Dim dftp As Object = FTPDialog.ShowAsync("Uploading files", "", "", "", LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "upload.png"), True)
FTPDialog.SetSize(100%x, 250dip)
Wait For (dftp) Dialog_Ready(pnl As Panel)
'lbError.Text = "Errores: "
Dim ErrorsList As List
For i=0 To ErrorsList.Size-1
Archivo = FileList.Get(i)
lbProgreso.Text = "Uploading file " & i & " de " & FileList.Size
lbError.Text = "Current file: " & Archivo
Dim sf As Object = FTP.UploadFile(Folder, File, False, "/web/fotos/" & FileName)
Wait For (sf) FTP_UploadCompleted(ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)
If Success Then
Log("file " & FileName& " was uploaded successfully")
Log("Error uploading file " & FileName)
End If
ProgressBar1.Progress = 100 * (i+1) / FileList.Size
If ProgressBar1.Progress = 100 Then
FTPDialog.CloseDialog (DialogResponse.POSITIVE)
End If
ToastMessageShow("No pictures files", False)
End If
If ErrorsList.Size > 0 Then
MsgboxAsync("These files can't be uploaded: " & ErrorList, "E R R O R")
End If
End Sub
Sub FTP_UploadProgress (ServerPath As String, TotalUploaded As Long, Total As Long)
Dim s As String
s = "Uploaded " & Round(TotalUploaded / 1024) & "KB"
If Total > 0 Then s = s & " out of " & Round(Total / 1024) & "KB"
End Sub
Sub FTP_UploadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)
Log(ServerPath & ", Success=" & Success)
If Success = False Then Log("Error FTP: " & LastException.Message)
If Success = True Then ProgressBar1.Progress = 100
End Sub
Thanks in advance¡¡