I've spent the best part of two days looking at this code and can't seem to get the file to upload to OneDrive.
The Endpoint seems to be formed correctly and the token works as I can successfully create folders and sub-folders. If anyone has any ideas, I'd be really grateful for some idea into where I'm going wrong.
The MS Graph api keeps saying "Not found" which I know the folder ID exits
The Endpoint seems to be formed correctly and the token works as I can successfully create folders and sub-folders. If anyone has any ideas, I'd be really grateful for some idea into where I'm going wrong.
The MS Graph api keeps saying "Not found" which I know the folder ID exits
Sub SyncFolder(localFolderPath As String, parentFolderId As String) As ResumableSub
' Get a list of all files in the local folder
Dim localFiles As List = File.ListFiles(localFolderPath)
Log("Parent Folder ID: " & parentFolderId)
' For each local file, check if it exists on OneDrive and upload it if necessary
For Each localFileName As String In localFiles
' Check if the file exists on OneDrive
Dim job As HttpJob
job.Initialize("", Me)
job.GetRequest.SetHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " & token)
Wait For (job) JobDone(job As HttpJob)
If job.Success Then
' The file exists on OneDrive, check if the local file has been modified since it was last uploaded
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim oneDriveFile As Map = parser.NextObject
Dim oneDriveFileLastModified As Long = oneDriveFile.Get("lastModifiedDateTime")
Dim localFileLastModified As Long = File.LastModified(localFolderPath, localFileName)
If localFileLastModified > oneDriveFileLastModified Then
' The local file has been modified since it was last uploaded, upload it again
UploadFile(localFolderPath, localFileName, parentFolderId)
End If
' The file does not exist on OneDrive, upload it
UploadFile(localFolderPath, localFileName, parentFolderId)
End If
End Sub
Sub UploadFile(localFolderPath As String, localFileName As String, parentFolderId As String) As ResumableSub
' Initialize OkHttpClient
Dim hc As OkHttpClient
' URL encode the file name
Dim su As StringUtils
Dim encodedFileName As String = su.EncodeUrl(localFileName, "UTF8")
encodedFileName = encodedFileName.Replace("+", "%20")
' Get the file's MIME type
Dim extension As String = localFileName.SubString(localFileName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1)
Dim mimeType As String = GetMimeType(extension)
' Log MIME Type and File Extension
Log("File Extension: " & extension)
Log("MIME Type: " & mimeType)
' Open the file as an InputStream
Dim InStream As InputStream
InStream = File.OpenInput(localFolderPath, localFileName)
' Log the InputStream
Log("Stream = " & InStream)
' Get the file length
Dim FileLength As Long
FileLength = File.Size(localFolderPath, localFileName)
' Log the File Length
Log("Length = " & FileLength)
' Initialize the POST request with InputStream
Dim endpoint As String = $"https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/items/${parentFolderId}/${encodedFileName}:/content"$
Dim req As OkHttpRequest
req.InitializePost(endpoint, InStream, FileLength)
' Log the Endpoint
Log("Endpoint = " & endpoint)
' Set the request's Content-Type header
' Set the request's Authorization header
req.SetHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " & token)
' Log the Authorization Header
Log("Authorization Header: " & "Bearer " & token)
' Execute the request
hc.Execute(req, 1)
Wait For hc_ResponseSuccess(Response As OkHttpResponse, TaskId As Int)
If TaskId = 1 Then
If Response.StatusCode = 201 Then
Log($"Uploaded ${localFileName} to OneDrive"$)
Log($"Failed to upload ${localFileName} to OneDrive: ${Response.StatusCode}"$)
End If
End If
InStream.Close ' Close the InputStream
End Sub