Android Question Uploading and downloading text files as a set.



Hi. I'm not sure where to begin to achieve the following, so if someone
could point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated.

My app has 20 screens, or categories, of 10 EditTexts,
each of which allow the user to enter words and phrases.
These are then stored as 20 text files using WriteList and
assigned to variables using ReadList, allowing that the user does
not have to complete all 10 fields in each category.
I'd like to allow the users of the app to share these text files
among themselves.

So the user should be able to click an Upload button, assign a name
which will identify their set, and have these 20 text files upload
somewhere on the Internet.
They would also have a Download button, which, after being clicked,
would present them with a list of all the sets available (that others
have uploaded), they would select one, and then this set would replace
the previous internal set of 20 text files.

I know this could be done with SQL, but the data in my app is in the
form of these text files, rather than a database.

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