thank you
I've read the contents of the links. My version is licensed and the problem only happens when I open that project. I can not solve the problem
If you don't find a solution then you can always open the .b4a and .bas files in a text editor to salvage your code.
It'd take a little bit of copy/pasting to a new project but at least you'd have your code working again.
Thinking though - is the error caused by a library that's used by this project?
Has the library been changed since you last opened the project?
Open the .b4a file in a text editor and you'll see the referenced libraries as well as your source code.
Thanks for the solution. Anyway there is nothing else to do. I opened the file, but B4a is empty. Something serious has happened. I have to make all the work.
But thanks again.
just a last hope.. before opening the b4a file in notpad, hover the mouse over it and see if the file size is more than zero.. if it is in the kilobytes, then something is hiding it from being read or displayed by any editor and you may need to proceed accordingly.. another try: change the suffix to com
(abc.b4a becomes and use the command line debug utility:
Windows: Start-Run-CMD "Enter"
debug "Enter"
and then examine the contents.
Probably the computer was shut down by someone with the program open. It happens, it's my fault, I nead take more atention . Well friends, I have a long week ahead. Thank you all. Tank you Erel for your response.
After each coding session I back up my project on two exterenal USB drives and put it one a safe place and keep one with me on my keychain. I save each days work separately in a separate directory. This way should anything happen such as this (and it has) I have a full back up of everything. I only loose that days work.
For a given project I may have upto 30 directories with each days work but a 32gb card is only a few bucks these days so I figure it doesn't hurt to be too carefull.