USB Ports and Camera


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Can somebody help me please:sign0085:

Why can't I access the USB port on my PDA (Trimble Recon) using Serial2.dll?:sign0148::BangHead:

And now something else:

I have a plane that can fly on it's own following waypoints. What I would like to do is to have this plane flying around a big stockpile (or mine pit) by means of waypoints (there is a GPS on board), but have the onboard camera pointing the whole time to a predefined coordinated point at the center of this stockpile. The camera is controlled via servo motors.

Does anybody have an idea?



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Longtime User
Why can't I access the USB port on my PDA (Trimble Recon) using Serial2.dll
Why are you expecting it to Serial2 can only communicate with Serial ports exposed as such by the OS or some other driver, like Bluetooth. As far as I know, and I have looked, there is no way to use a USB port under .NET on Windows Mobile without somebody writing a custom driver. Also the USB port on your Recon is, according to the data sheet, only a slave port so it won't be able to control USB devices even if you could get a driver written.

There may be a few others around but the only PDA I know of that has a Host USB port is the HP iPAQ214 (I have one, it has the normal slave port as well) but even then only drivers for USB mouse, keyboard and memory sticks are provided by the OS.


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I've also looked into this for many a long hour.

If Agraham hasn't succeeded in finding a solution,
I sometimes wonder why I keep looking for an answer

Perhaps a solution would be to use a BluetoothRS232 module connected
to a WirelessTXRS232 module and have a WirelessRXRS232 module on
your aeroplane.
Is a 500ft range enough ?

I'll do a quick google for the Wireless parts.


SparkFun Electronics - RF Link Transmitter - 434MHz
SparkFun Electronics - RF Link 4800bps Receiver - 434MHz
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