B4A Library UsbSerial library 2.0 - supports more devices


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For reference: "Serial USB terminal" app has such devices filter:
I don't think that all of the devices from this list are supported by the USB Serial Library?
Is device filter relevant or required if you don't want to automatically start your app when a specific device is connected?



Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi @agraham and thank you for this library.
I am using version 2.50 on an Android 14 device.
In manifest i have: android:targetSdkVersion="34"

With the following code:
If usb.UsbPresent(1) = usb.USB_NONE Then    ' Ver_2.4
        Log("No device USB NONE")
    End If
    If (usb.HasPermission(1)) Then    ' Ver_2.4
              Log("Device Information USB" & CRLF & usb.DeviceInfo(1))
            Log("Error opening USB port 1")
            Log("**************" & CRLF & "ERROR OPENING USB PORT 1 STEP 2" &CRLF& "**************")
    End If
        usb.RequestPermission(1)  ' Ver_2.4
    End If

it gives me the following error:

Note: If I change Manifest to 33 everything works
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