My application that worked well with android 5 no longer works with android 7.
The StartServiceAt function no longer works after about one hour of use: sleep mode.
I want to use SetExactAndAllowWhileIdle instead of StartServiceAt but it seems that I missed something because the program starts but does not restart Service_start after the requested 10 minutes.
Can you help me.
Thank you
My application that worked well with android 5 no longer works with android 7.
The StartServiceAt function no longer works after about one hour of use: sleep mode.
I want to use SetExactAndAllowWhileIdle instead of StartServiceAt but it seems that I missed something because the program starts but does not restart Service_start after the requested 10 minutes.
Can you help me.
Thank you
Sub Service_Create ' Début ou retour du prog
Tdf.Initialize ' Init de la notification
Tdf.Icon = "iconb" ' Définition de l'icone
Tdf.Sound = False ' Pas de son notification
Tdf.OnGoingEvent = True ' Signalement de la notification
Tdf.SetInfo ("Tdf","Tâche de fond Test","") ' Nom de la tâche
DateDebut = DateTime.Now
Service.StartForeground(2,Tdf) ' Service en tâche de fond
Delay = 600000 ' Essai à 10mn
End Sub
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent) ' Reveil du service StartServiceAt
NbMesure = NbMesure + 1 ' Incrémenter le nombre de mesures
DateNow = DateTime.Now ' Date actuelle
Reveil = DateDebut + (Delay * (NbMesure))
Log("Start: Index= "&NbMesure&" Actuel: "&DateTime.time(DateNow)&" Date début: "&DateTime.time(DateDebut)&" Réveil à: "&DateTime.Time(Reveil)) ' Imprimer
End Sub
Sub Service_Destroy ' Sortir de la tâche
'Service.StopForeground(Me) ' Arrêt tâche de fond
End Sub
Sub SetExactAndAllowWhileIdle (Time As Long, ServiceName As String)
Dim p As Phone
If p.SdkVersion < 23 Then
StartServiceAtExact(ServiceName, Time, True)
Dim in As Intent
in.Initialize("", "")
in.SetComponent(Application.PackageName & "/." & ServiceName.ToLowerCase)
Dim ctxt As JavaObject
Dim am As JavaObject = ctxt.RunMethod("getSystemService", Array("alarm"))
Dim pi As JavaObject
pi = pi.InitializeStatic("android.app.PendingIntent").RunMethod("getService", _
Array(ctxt, 1, in, 134217728))
am.RunMethod("setExactAndAllowWhileIdle", Array(0, Time, pi))
End If
End Sub