Hi All,
In Android 10+ it is required to enable AEC when using VOICE_COMMUNICATION (7) audioSource. I tried to do it:
But it doesn't output any audio. If I change audioSource to MIC (1) or run on Android 9, audio works. Any advice how to use VOICE_COMMUNICATION source on Android 10+?
In Android 10+ it is required to enable AEC when using VOICE_COMMUNICATION (7) audioSource. I tried to do it:
Sub Process_Globals
Private Microphone As AudioStreamer
Private JNoiseSuppressor As JavaObject
Private JAcousticEchoCanceler As JavaObject
Public NSavailable As Boolean = False
Public AECavailable As Boolean = False
Private MicAudioSessionId As Int = 0
End Sub
Sub Service_Create
Microphone.Initialize2(7, "Microphone", 8000, True, 16, Microphone.VOLUME_VOICE_CALL) 'See https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaRecorder.AudioSource
Dim r As Reflector
r.Target = Microphone
Dim newBuffer(320) As Byte
r.SetField2("recordBuffer", newBuffer)
Dim arj As JavaObject = r.GetField("audioRecord")
MicAudioSessionId = arj.RunMethod("getAudioSessionId", Null)
LogColor("Mic audio session ID " & MicAudioSessionId, Colors.Green)
If JAcousticEchoCanceler.IsInitialized Then JAcousticEchoCanceler.RunMethod("release", Null)
JAcousticEchoCanceler = JAcousticEchoCanceler.RunMethod("create", Array(MicAudioSessionId))
AECavailable = JAcousticEchoCanceler.RunMethod("isAvailable", Null)
LogColor("AECavailable = " & AECavailable, IIf(AECavailable, Colors.Green, Colors.Red))
If AECavailable = False Then
LogColor("AEC is not available", Colors.Red)
JAcousticEchoCanceler.RunMethod("setEnabled", Array(True))
Dim isEnabled As Boolean = JAcousticEchoCanceler.RunMethod("getEnabled", Null)
LogColor("AEC enabled: " & isEnabled, Colors.Green)
End If
If JNoiseSuppressor.IsInitialized Then JNoiseSuppressor.RunMethod("release", Null)
JNoiseSuppressor = JNoiseSuppressor.RunMethod("create", Array(MicAudioSessionId))
NSavailable = JNoiseSuppressor.RunMethod("isAvailable", Null)
LogColor("NSavailable = " & NSavailable, IIf(NSavailable, Colors.Green, Colors.Red))
If NSavailable = False Then
LogColor("Noise Suppressor is not available", Colors.Red)
JNoiseSuppressor.RunMethod("setEnabled", Array(True))
Dim isEnabled As Boolean = JNoiseSuppressor.RunMethod("getEnabled", Null)
LogColor("Noise suppressor enabled: " & isEnabled, Colors.Green)
End If
End Sub
But it doesn't output any audio. If I change audioSource to MIC (1) or run on Android 9, audio works. Any advice how to use VOICE_COMMUNICATION source on Android 10+?