Dim j As HttpJob
j.Initialize("", Me)
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
End If
It works fine.
Now I have a Code Module named functions. I want to add a function like the following:
Sub GetLatestNews(activity As Object) As Boolean 'ignore
Dim job As HttpJob
Wait For (job) JobDone(job As HttpJob)
If job.Success Then
'Some Code here
End If
End Sub
But B4A IDE says "Static Code Modules can't handle events"
I tried using Standard Class Module instead of Code Module:
Sub Class_Globals
Dim JustALabel As Label 'Ignore Just 4 getting rid of the error : Activity context is required
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
Sub GetLatestNews() As String 'ignore
Dim job As HttpJob
Wait For (job) JobDone(job As HttpJob)
If job.Success Then
Dim res As String
res = job.GetString
Return res
Return "Error Here"
End If
End Sub
Now I got a new error . "ResumableSub return type must be resumablesub or none"
But I need my method returns what happened and what caused the error
Remember that that a call to Sleep or Wait For in a resumable sub causes the code flow to return to the parent. Example: Sub Button1_Click Sum(1, 2) Log("after sum") End Sub Sub Sum(a As Int, b As Int) Sleep(100) 'this will cause the code flow to return to the parent Log(a + b) End Sub...
In the class
Sub GetLatestNews As ResumableSub
Return Res
End Sub
Dim MyClass1 as MyClass
Wait For (MyClass1.GetlatestNews) Complete (result as String)
End Sub
Thank you agraham , How can I return the reason behind the failure?
Do you think I should return string or boolean?
Do I need to to use try catch inside the method to get the reason?
1) If you only want to return success or failure return a Boolean.
2) If want to return some data on success you could return a Boolean and place the data in a global String variable, or return the data in a String and use a special value to indicate failure. e.g. "<*Failure reason*>".
3) Also you could return a String array with one element as a success indicator and other elements containing other data.