Using AutoCompleteEditText catching characters in filename


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Hi all,

I perfectly use the AutoCompleteEditText_ TextChanged to catch the first 3 characters in a filename with a part of the code "If New = St.substring2(0,3) Then.......etc.

But what I have also to catch characters in the middle or end of a filename?

Someone having a solution for this?


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You do not need to use TextChanged with AutoCompleteEditText. It should work automatically.

However it only works with the prefix. You should use a database if you want to find matches that do not start at the beginning. Another option is to build a small index.

This is how the IDE "find sub" tool works:
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Hi Erel,

Maybe that's the problem, I don't have a 'static' database as the filenames
comes from jpegs, which come and go.

And I also think it's impossible making an index because of that.

Thanks anyway.
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