Android Question Using Class Checklist


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Hello everyone, I'm having difficulty in modifying the placement of some views to my specific need. I'm using Informatrix' wonderful Class Checklist and Checklistdemo1. I need to make the text header and the label below it centered. Hope anyone can help me out.

Thank you in advance


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YourLabelName.Gravity = Gravity.Center
YourEditTextName.Gravity = Gravity.Center

Thank you LucaMs for the reply... I got it.
But I have another question, I placed a button that will add items manually as shown below

I'm trying to incorporate the SortItems function. So that when I add an item the latest added item stays on top of the list. But I'm having trouble using it in my code.
Basically this is the codes I have so far.
Sub FillTheList(Title As String, WithCheckBox As Boolean)
    Activity.Title = Title
    'Dim b1, b2 As Bitmap
    Dim lbl As Label
    'b1.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "image1.png")
    'b2.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "image2.png")
    For i= 0 To z
                '---Add Header---              
                lst.AddHeader("Code " & i)
                lst.AddItemNoChkbx(i,"Teller #" & i, "", Null)
    z = z + 1  

    'lst.SortItems(lst.CreateIntegerList(2, z, lst.NumberOfItems - 1), z, lst.NumberOfItems - 1, False)  
End Sub

I appreciate any help.
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I have not used the sort function.

I'm looking at the code of the class.

CreateIntegerList need that ViewIndexInPanel but the AddItemNoChkbox routine does not creates a useful view for this purpose, I think.

Create your own list of indexes "manually" (adding a statement inside the loop).

In addition, in your example, the second parameter should be 0, not Z.

lst.SortItems(lst.CreateIntegerList(2, z, lst.NumberOfItems - 1), z, lst.NumberOfItems - 1, False)
lst.SortItems(lst.CreateIntegerList(2, z, lst.NumberOfItems - 1), 0, lst.NumberOfItems - 1, False)

I repeat, I have never used the sorting
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Hi, thank you for your reply...I will try it out.
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