Bug? using Map with Text file which encoded UTF-8 without BOM


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Hi all,
I found the problem about using Map with Text file which encoded UTF-8 without BOM. I 've tried simple coding to test as attached below.

P.S. I had used with list have no problem.


  • TestThaiReading.zip
    6.3 KB · Views: 235
  • error.png
    3.3 KB · Views: 272
  • thaireading.txt
    105 bytes · Views: 235
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I need to use text file for adding dictionary in order to using my ThaiKaraokeTranslator library. Thai users could add a new word in the text file by theierselves. Please guide me how should I do?

P.S. 98% of Thai people isn't good at English(Include me too).


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I think that If I use ISO-8859-1 encoding,then I need to show data ,it couldn't show Thai as same as I do. But the another way,I 'm interested in using File.ReadList and Regex. I've the question,Could you change encoding in post # 2 the next version?

P.S. I think that the text file is the best solution of easy database for the simple developers,because they are not expert.

Thank you in advance.


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In my app I had similar problem. I need maps in various languages in UTF-8 and map is only ISO-8859-1 . It is possible to make this. Map it is JAVA properties file and it can be translated in various languages just chinese. Here is a tool :

Also from wikipedia:
The encoding of a .properties file is ISO-8859-1, also known as Latin-1. All non-Latin-1 characters must be entered by using Unicode escape characters, e.g. \uHHHH where HHHH is a hexadecimal index of the character in the Unicode character set. This allows for using .properties files as resource bundles for localization. A non-Latin-1 text file can be converted to a correct .properties file by using the native2ascii tool that is shipped with the JDK or by using a tool, such as po2prop, that manages the transformation from a bilingual localization format into .properties escaping.

And the easiest way is Tapiji Translator


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If you can use ISO-8859-1 encoding then it will work. If you want to use UTF8 then you will need to manually parse the file. You can read it with File.ReadList and then go over the lines and split them with Regex.Split.

I'm trying to create a function to read an UTF8 text file in a Map, with the help of this UnescapeUnicode function posted by Erel.
Can you find the error, please? :)

Thank you

[P.S. the Map to be read was saved using File.WriteMap]

Public Sub ReadUTF8Map(Dir As String, FileName As String) As Map
    If Not(File.Exists(Dir, FileName)) Then Return Null

    Dim mapResult As Map : mapResult.Initialize
    Dim lstLines As List = File.ReadList(Dir, FileName)
    Dim LineTexts(2) As String
    Dim Line As String
    Dim LineFirstChar As String
    Dim EqualCharPos As Int

    For i = 0 To lstLines.Size -1
        Line = lstLines.Get(i)
Line = UnescapeUnicode(Line) ' <--- Error
        LineFirstChar = Line.SubString2(i, i + 1)
        If LineFirstChar <> "#" AND LineFirstChar <> "!" Then ' if it is not a comment line
'            LineTexts = Regex.Split(Line, "=") ' this does not work
            EqualCharPos = Line.IndexOf("=")
            LineTexts(0) = Line.SubString2(0, EqualCharPos)
            LineTexts(1) = Line.SubString(EqualCharPos + 1)
            mapResult.Put(LineTexts(0), LineTexts(1))
        End If

    Return mapResult
End Sub

Public Sub UnescapeUnicode(s As String) As String
   Dim sb As StringBuilder
   Dim i As Int
   Do While i < s.Length
      Dim c As Char = s.CharAt(i)
      If c = "\" AND i < s.Length - 1 AND s.CharAt(i + 1) = "u" Then
         Dim unicode As StringBuilder
         i = i + 2
         Do While i < s.Length
            Dim cc As String = s.CharAt(i)
            Dim n As Int = Asc(cc.ToLowerCase)
            If (n >= Asc("0") AND n <= Asc("9")) OR (n >= Asc("a") AND n <= Asc("z")) Then
               i = i - 1
            End If
            i = i + 1
         sb.Append(Chr(Bit.ParseInt(unicode.ToString, 16)))
      End If
      i = i + 1
   Return sb.ToString
End Sub
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Modifying UnescapeUnicode now it seems to work:

Public Sub UnescapeUnicode(s As String) As String
   Dim sbResult As StringBuilder
    Dim Unicode As String
    Dim HexCharsOnly As Boolean
    Dim cc As String
    Dim n As Int
   Dim i As Int
   Do While i < s.Length
      Dim c As Char = s.CharAt(i)
      If c = "\" AND i < s.Length - 1 AND s.CharAt(i + 1) = "u" Then
         i = i + 2
            Unicode = s.SubString2(i, i + 4)
            If Unicode.Length = 4 Then
                ' Checks if Unicode contains hex chars only
                HexCharsOnly = True
                For k = 0 To 3
                cc = Unicode.CharAt(k)
                n = Asc(cc.ToLowerCase)
                HexCharsOnly = ((n >= Asc("0") AND n <= Asc("9")) OR (n >= Asc("a") AND n <= Asc("z")))
                    If Not(HexCharsOnly) Then Exit
                If HexCharsOnly Then
                    sbResult.Append(Chr(Bit.ParseInt(Unicode, 16)))
                    i = i + 3
                    i = i - 2
                End If
            End If
            If c = "\" Then s.CharAt(i + 1) = " " Then
                sbResult.Append(" ")
              i = i + 1
            End If
      End If
      i = i + 1
   Return sbResult.ToString
End Sub