Using SDCARD Emulator


Is there an easier way to read files and copy files/folders to the SDCARD EMULATOR file 'sdcard.iso'?

The .ISO file (sdcard.iso) is a non-standard ISO format which cannot be read by the standard ISO mounting software (i.e. PowerISO, etc). Despite people on the web saying ImDisk (freeware) works I tried imdisk and that can mount it but when you go to view that as a drive you are told it is not a valid windows format or it is corrupted.

Much of what is on the internet seems to relate to procedures for non-windows o/s, like Unix or Linix or worse.

Anyone know of an ISO mounting program that DOES mount sdcard.iso?

(Wouldn't it have been so much easier for everyone if the Android guys had simply used an industry standard ISO format?)

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Licensed User
Longtime User
There is a utility called DDMS in the Android SDK that will do this. ddms.bat should be in the same folder as adb.exe. Run ddms.bat, select your device or emulator in the top left pane and do Device -> File Explorer from the menu. The two icons on the menu bar of the new window that opens will let you pull and push files to the device.
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Thanks, the ddms only deals with one file at a time and cannot copy a folder of files. I do hope someone comes up with a better way of transfering files than the pitiful Android SDK methods.
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