Android Question using SHA-1 key from google play console for oauth2


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I went through OAuth2 Erel's example and I was able to send an email from a test app using user's gmail account.
in the test app I have used the SHA-1 key generated by private sign key tool within the IDE and I was able to generate the Client ID in the API cloud google service.

Now my problem is that I would like to make some tests with a published app but in that case the app integrity is managed by google console so when I upload the app on the console the apk has no signature from the IDE but it gets it from the console. So if I want to make a test during development the apk I load on my phone using B4ABridge has the debug signature (I think) as I don't have anything set in the private sign key form.
in this scenario I think that cloud API service will fail as it will not find the SHA-1 in the running app and will reject the authorization.
Is there a way to temporary sign the apk from the IDE using the SHA-1 file generated by App signing key certificate from the google console?


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thanks- I suspected that, but if I use a signature for production now, google will not let me update the existing one as the one on the console has a SHA-1 signature from them so if I try to upload an apk signed from the IDE I won't be able to update the app..that's why I was hoping for a way to use the google key..
ok I will give up the email feature..maybe next app. thanks as usual for your quick support
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