My app is a field component of a desktop based system and receives database updates via email. I'm currently building an alternate method of doing that by emailing the argument for SQL ADD/UPDATE in the message body to the mobiles.
This is a sample of what the desktop system put in the body of the email:
"INSERT INTO Claims('Claim_Name'‚'Company'‚'Policy_Number'‚'Policy_Form'‚'Assign_Date'‚'Claim_Number'‚'Type_of_Property'‚'Num_Families'‚'Date_of_Loss'‚'Date_Reported') VALUES ('M999999 Amesbury'‚'MPIUA'‚'436729'‚'HO 00 03 10 00'‚'6/7/2012'‚'M999999'‚'Dwelling'‚'Single Family'‚'6/1/2012'‚'6/7/2012')"
I'm using the Net library & ParseMail to receive the message. This is what I receive - The commas in the original have all been replaced with the string "=E2=80=9A"
"INSERT INTO Claims('Claim_Name'=E2=80=9A'Company'=E2=80=9A'Policy_Number'=E2=80=9A'Policy_Form'=E2=80=9A'Assign_Date'=E2=80=9A'Claim_Number'=E2=80=9A'Type_of_Property'=E2=80=9A'Num_Families'=E2=80=9A'Date_of_Loss'=E2=80=9A'Date_Reported') VALUES ('M999999 ..... etc
This is the beginning of the POP_DownloadCompleted sub, where a copy of the raw message is logged:
Private Sub POP_DownloadCompleted (Success As Boolean, MessageId As Int, MessageText As String)
Dim bm() As Byte = MessageText.GetBytes("ISO-8859-1")
Log(BytesToString(bm, 0, bm.Length, "UTF8"))' show me the raw message as received
Finally, from the message headers, the encoding info:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Can anybody help get my commas back? Thanks for any help...