Hi, thanks very much for sending of the new last beta version, I've just noticed a problem (small):
When I run B4P (it's ok) and I want (without type codes) build, it return "Save path" and I click on the Ok button it return an error like if it's building (form1 it's not a control object).. Normal?
An other problem (device):
Why can I add a control when I'm on the propriete page? So if i valid the propriete take effect on the control added and not on the control where I clicked on propriete (I've a button named "Form1" lol) (It's just a small bug but it's weird...)
(Great the ok button
I can now close without assing ok/close on an Hardware key...)
Again a small problem (sorry):
(Small bug):
When there's twice the same name it return an alert but it close the window, why don't check if there's the same name when we change or add a control and not when we close the designer page?
An other bug again... (on desktop):
On the version 6.80 there're no errors...
fonctions() is a function with one param...
r is a simple variable...
[b]sub[/b] lire
Do Until r=EOF
[b]end sub[/b]
[b]sub[/b] [color=blue]fonctions(cmd)[/color]
[b]end sub[/b]
It's not an array control and there's not the same name for an other control or function... Weird...
I tried "Public Sub fonctions(ByVal cmd As String)" but it's the same problem...
Maybe something is wrong on my code?
Weirdly with an other example:
Sub App_Start
alerte("Ca fonctionne... Bizarre...")
End Sub
Sub alerte(msg)
End Sub
It work... Why not the other?
I noticed that every sub function work no more now... I tried an other variable, other function name and nothing...
I Found where's the problem I think...:
We've to write "Dim var As String" before use it...
I've 3230 lines so it'll be hard for add dim as string before every variable...