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Deleted member 103

Hi Guys,
I like to be a beta tester for B4x from time to time, but beta tester for any covid-19 vaccination No!


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but beta tester for any covid-19 vaccination No

We are not worried about needing to get the Vaccine anymore ...

We just wear our tin foil hats , which protects us from the 5G signal towers , and Bingo ... No Covid for Us !


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Hi Guys,
I like to be a beta tester for B4x from time to time, but beta tester for any covid-19 vaccination No!

After getting acquainted with the term "long covid". and you have read a lot about it and seen some Covid cases with the Fatigue syndrom in my circle of friends, there is only one question.

Which vaccine should I take, and how can I get it as quickly as possible ?

info's from the WHO

some info's in german



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It is not certain whether a man is immune, can fall ill again or one can infect others.
If such security is not guaranteed, why should a man get vaccinated?

If you participate in traffic, it is not certain whether you get involved in an accident. You could even cause an accident inflicting injuries or even death to other people.
If such security is not guaranteed, why should you go outside and take the risk?

If vaccination gives me a better chance of surviving COVID, I'll take the vaccine.
But that's something everyone has to decide for himself.


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I'll explain why I have such a strong opinion about this.

Because of COVID I haven't seen my brother, his wife and kids for almost a year now (except from video chat).
My sister-in-law already had a 11 year old son from a previous marriage that has Bethlem myopathy. This is a disease that slowly affects muscles also causing breathing difficulty.
My brother's kids from his previous marriage even moved out temporarily trying to keep COVID out of their house because it would be deadly for him.

So when people say they won't get the vaccine because there's no 100% guarantee that it will help, it makes me sad and angry at the same time.
Please think about other people on who the affect of COVID on their health is almost certain fatal.


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I don't get it.

In most countries there are laws / regulations governing vaccination against various childhood/ adult viruses and bacterial infections. Polio, measles, rubella, whooping cough (pertussis), Diphtheria, mumps, small pox; there are also tetanus, yellow fever (compulsory when undertaking some travel); etc..

Some of those require multiple follow-up injections.

OK there are those who object to vaccination on religious grounds but that is one or two of the religious communities.

So, in the main, a heck of a lot of those people now objecting to being vaccinated against a quite nasty, immediately life-threatening virus, have been vaccinated against most of the above things and possibly more ... and suddenly are seemingly dead against being vaccinated - pun probably intended.

This seems to be the main reason (conspiracy theory excluded) for arguing against : Sure its been a very rapid developmental path to arriving at these interventions, but, that's just because its more than likely a normal pathway. Think about the amount of funding that pharmaceutical companies attract, on a long term basis, to investigate these things - when there isn't an epidemic or pandemic to be had. That makes a slow-slow path to getting there. But, when it came being faced with a Reality - they all went into overdrive. Remember the first to market gets the greatest revenue out of this. None of it will be free from factory to injection site. Big Business is never altruistic.

IN FACT : this type of vaccination "technology" (for want of a better word) has been in research for more than a decade - and was of great interest in the last Corona-type virus outbreaks - called SARS (a relative of this current version).

But, hey, that's not the point that's just what I chose to rant about - the point is what's the objection to vaccination especially since its never been a problem for people prior.

Deleted member 103

This is what I expect, and not a vaccination that is actually not a vaccination.
The article is unfortunately only in Italian.

The first drug specifically created against the coronavirus has been approved: it is a monoclonal antibody continue on:



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In Turkey we only have Chinese Vaccine Sinovac and I am not sure about it.


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The wife of a friend works in a analysis laboratory. She takes various testings all the mornings. In march, she was SARS-COV2 positive, and since April she makes all the 45 days a antibody test for herself. The 21 of December, she had still antibodies. At the very begin of January, 2 of her colleagues were eligible for vaccine (Pfizer BionTech). 21 days after the first injection, they make an antibody test. The both results are returned negative. No antibodies, nothing... 2 is not statistically significant, but they were waiting for more brilliant outcomes.


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My wife here in California, has had her first shot, no side effects nothing, good news, she will be receiving her second shot in a few more weeks, it is the Phizer vaccine. She works in Hospice Care. Also in a previous thread, the Chinese Vaccine was mentioned, it is supposed to have very good efficacy. For me, I probably won't get the vaccine here in the U.S. until sometime in June, at the earliest. So I am just being patient and safe for the people around me. I have been very fortunate, that at least staying at home when I could, I have a big back yard and a nice front yard and porch, so there are just two of us. My kids have been shut in their apartments for the past number of months and I can understand the weariness of this just continuing, on and on. Hopefully the end of the tunnel is near.


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The mRNA "vaccines" are not real vaccines. They do not fit the definition of a vaccine and are more like a medical device. Pfizer and Moderna want their products to be called vaccines so they are granted immunity from prosecution. Have you ever asked yourself, if vaccines are so safe, why can't you sue the vaccine manufacturer if their vaccine kills you or puts you in a wheelchair for the rest of your life? The vaccine industry is the only industry in most western nations where the government had been granted full immunity from prosecution dating back to 1986/1987.

In any event these "vaccines" are experimental. Opposing opinions on Youtube, Facebook and Twitter are being heavily censored so you won't know both sides of the issue. You need informed consent so you can weigh the pros vs cons in taking a vaccine or undergoing a medical procedure.

Dr. Simone Gold - The truth about the CV19 vaccine
Dr. Gold's seminar is refreshing and humorous at times. Her goal is to inform you about the disinformation campaign coming from the media about the safety of the experimental mRNA vaccines. She represents the views of hundreds of doctors who want to get the message out to the public about the vaccines and alternative treatments that are much safer. Their Conclusions: Age under 20: Taking experimental vaccine is absolutely prohibited - The virus does not affect young people Ages 20 to 50:: If you are healthy then we strongly discourage people from taking this experimental vaccine - Exceedingly low risk of death from COVID - may cause auto-immune disease - lifelong risk of infertility Age 50 to 70: If you are healthy then we strongly discourage for the same reason as above. Age 50 to 70 if you have serious co-morbid conditions then taking the vaccine is discouraged - experimental vaccine has high risk compared to taking prophylactic drugs like hydroxychloroquine with zinc or ivermectin. Age 70+ depends on your own personal risk assessment - experimental vaccine has higher risk than proven drugs but up to person to weigh the risk Age 70+ with co-morbid conditions found in nursing home - hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are still safer - but we don't think it is irrational to take experimental vaccine if you are living in a nursing home with co-morbid conditions People should not be pressured into taking this experimental vaccine at any age. We are not saying it is definitely dangerous but we just don't know.. NEVER let a woman in child bearing years take this experimental vaccine until this placenta question is answered!!

Dr. Simone Gold - The truth about the CV19 vaccine - 56:09

Safer Alternatives:
Dr. Kory testified in a Senate Hearing in December 2020 and said: Ivermectin basically obliterates the transmission of this virus. If you take it you will not get sick. ... Ivermectin is effective not only in prophylactic (transmission) but if you take it you will not get sick. In Argentina of the 800 healthcare workers who took it, not one got sick. In the control group of 400 workers who did not take it, 237 (58%) of them got sick. It has immense and potent anti-viral activity. ... It has been proven to be a wonder drug. ... It is critical for its use in this disease. ... We need to offload hospitals. I can't keep doing this. Any further deaths are needless deaths. I can't keep caring for patients when I know they could have been saved with earlier treatment and that drug that will treat them and prevent hospitalization is Ivermectin . ... We have almost 30 studies, every one of them reliably reproducible showing the dramatic impacts of Ivermectin ."

80% of COVID-19 people in hospital have low vitamin D levels.
More proof vitamin D cuts your risk of getting severely ill from Covid?

Physicians are reporting positive results using a combination of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc
Journal of Medicine Says HCQ + Zinc Reduces COVID Deaths

I hope this helps someone.

Deleted member 103

The mRNA "vaccines" are not real vaccines. They do not fit the definition of a vaccine and are more like a medical device.
unfortunately, many people don't believe that.
they shut off their brains and only believe what the governments say.


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I'll believe our government scientific advisers over any tinfoil hat wearing conspiracist.

I don't know what message you were replying to. I hope you didn't mean you'd rather believe the government scientific advisers who are getting paid by the drug companies over front line doctors like Dr. Kory or Dr. Gold?


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For what it's worth, myself, my wife, my brothers, my parents and my neighbors were all vaccinated (Pfizer) and are one week after the second shot, which makes us Covid safe

3 millions residents were vaccinated in Israel and while the situation is still quite severe, there are clear evidence that the vaccine works. My neighbor, a good friend of mine, is a medical doctor and he is the head of the Covid section in a nearby hospital. He is working very hard since March. He just told me today that in his hospital there are zero patients who already received the two shots.


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I wouldn't offend anyone if I were you.
It's not up to you to advise me what to do or not to do. People who are delibrately ignoring the scientific consensus and spreading conspiracy theories are dangerous to the overall public good and need to be called out for it. Your statement about SA is disingenuous, lacks context, the data set is small and preliminary and has not yet been peer reviewed.
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