Variable not allowed?


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I am new to B4A so I may be missing something.
I have tried to dimension the word "Board" as Map but keep getting the
java.lang.RuntimeException: Field board was declared with the wrong type.

I've searched the Java, and B4A reserved words and have not found it listed.
If I try "Dim Boardx As Map" I have no problem. A bug in Java or B4A or just an anomaly?


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RE: Variable problem

Thank you for a quick reply
I found the problem. I had used Designer to create a panel named "Board" and tried to give a Map collection the same name in code. I think its better to create the elements in code rather than Designer as you have a clearer handle on things.


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Longtime User
I think its better to create the elements in code rather than Designer as you have a clearer handle on things.
No, not sure.
I have taken the habit to put a prefix for all views like pnl for Panael, lbl for Label etc so you know what you are handling.

Best regards.
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