B4J Question Variables question.....


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I just figured out how to get my DigitalOcean library to work, but I'm confused on how to actually use the variables that I get from the map.

Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject
Dim account As Map = root.Get("account")
Dim status_message As String = account.Get("status_message")
Dim email_verified As String = account.Get("email_verified")
Dim droplet_limit As Int = account.Get("droplet_limit")
Dim floating_ip_limit As Int = account.Get("floating_ip_limit")
Dim uuid As String = account.Get("uuid")
Dim email As String = account.Get("email")
Dim status As String = account.Get("status")

For example, how would I use the "email" variable outside the class/library?
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