I am trying to generate 'variometer' type tones within my app. This website has a vario simulator which gives a good idea of the type of tones I am trying to generate: https://www.xctracer.com/en/user-manual/33/?oid=1874&lang=en
My app is not a variometer - I am using tones to indicate distance to or from a point.
Currently I am using the Beeper library - this works 'ok' - using a beeper length of 25ms, and tones of 300-500 Hz as I get closer to a point, and 850-1600Hz as I pass the point. When at the location +/- some distance there is no tone.
But I would like:
- Continuous beep (with changing tone) the closer I get (approach tone)
- Pulsed beep of shorter duration / higher pulse frequency (with changing tone) after I pass the location (departure tone)
I tried increasing the duration of the beep (500-1000ms) for the approach tone - this makes it continuous, but then the tone continues at the location. I can mute the phone at the location, and unmute it as it passes - but then I can still sometimes hear the end of the approach tone underneath the new departure tone.
I also have the problem of too many beepers eventually crashing the app.
The app receives distance over bluetooth - when a new distance is received, I check the distance to location and start a beeper with tone based on this distance.
Is there any better way of doing this?
Thanks you!
My app is not a variometer - I am using tones to indicate distance to or from a point.
Currently I am using the Beeper library - this works 'ok' - using a beeper length of 25ms, and tones of 300-500 Hz as I get closer to a point, and 850-1600Hz as I pass the point. When at the location +/- some distance there is no tone.
But I would like:
- Continuous beep (with changing tone) the closer I get (approach tone)
- Pulsed beep of shorter duration / higher pulse frequency (with changing tone) after I pass the location (departure tone)
I tried increasing the duration of the beep (500-1000ms) for the approach tone - this makes it continuous, but then the tone continues at the location. I can mute the phone at the location, and unmute it as it passes - but then I can still sometimes hear the end of the approach tone underneath the new departure tone.
I also have the problem of too many beepers eventually crashing the app.
The app receives distance over bluetooth - when a new distance is received, I check the distance to location and start a beeper with tone based on this distance.
Is there any better way of doing this?
Thanks you!