I'm trying to start my first ABMaterial web-app at Linux VDS with 2GB RAM.
The very first start was successful, stop and restart of a new .jar - also was OK - without #VirtualMachineArgs directive.
But after these 2 starts - i cannot start a new .jar version any more.
Always OutOfMemory error.
Directive like "#VirtualMachineArgs: -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m" - does not help.
Restarting VDS host also does not help...
At Win10 dev machine the started OpenJDK Platform binary consumes just 80...82 MB.
What is the value of SessionMaxInactiveIntervalSeconds?
What is the value you pass in the page initialization e.g. page.InitializeWithTheme(Name, "/ws/" & AppName & "/" & Name, False, X, theme), what is 'X'?