Ver 1.90 Designer Scripts - Label BG Color


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Update and resolved:

The problem was that I didn't have lbl_Test2 Label font set to flush left. It was set to center, thus causing the offset. However, because the Designer Scripts window doesn't currently support BG label colors, I could not "see" that the white text on the default black BG was centered and not set Left. That is one of the reasons I have asked Erel to add support for Label colors in the Designer Scripts window.

@Erel I would also suggest it would be nice if the Abstract Designer could show the label name flush left when it is set to flush left. I might have been able to detect this problem much sooner and saved an hour's worth of head scratching. Thanks...

I'm not sure why adding BG color to a label would cause the label to display differently with and without the BG color.

I'm attaching 3 screen shots and my file.

Image 1.jpg shows a normal Emulator run from Main using Alt-3 and displaying in the Emulator. lbl_Test2 and btn_Test3 both correctly .Left position at 5%x.

Image 2.jpg shows the same code run using the Designer Script window pressing F5 (BG color has been remmed out in Main). lbl_Test2.Left alignment is now incorrect, not at 5%x. Because we can't see the default Black BG color in the Designer Script window lbl_Test2, I'm wondering if the font alignment is flush right within the label? That would explain the offset but that might not be the case either. So, while the 5%x clearly isn't correct, I don't know why.

Image 3.jpg shows the exact same layout positioning as above (2.jpg). In Main, the BG color statements are removed and the .Left is not at 5%x again.

So I don't know what to think about these differences. Maybe someone has some suggestions as to what I can try or maybe I'm doing something wrong with the new Designer Scripts window. My app is also attached as a .zip file.

Note: I tried positioning lbl_Test1.Left to 5%x too but it positioned the same as lbl_Test2 (not really at 5%x).


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