Android Question Vertical Scroll of panels

Claudio Parmigiani

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi guys,
I am a little in trouble trying to make panels scrollable, in order to adapt it to small displays.
I've tried to search in the forum but I didn't find anything applicable, tried also to play a bit with scrollview but got no results. (BTW this could be my fault, I am quite new in B4A), hope someone will help me.

Actually I am using Erel's LoadLayoutToPanel Sub taken from HERE to load and remove panels from main activity:

Sub Globals
Dim Panel1 As Panel
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create (FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub

Sub LoadLayoutToPanel (Layout As String)
If Panel1.IsInitialized then
End If
Activity.AddView(Panel1, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
End Sub

My pages contains buttons, checkboxes, labels and edittext and have been created with the Designer tool specifying only the "AutoScaleAll" option.

I'd like to make them scrollable vertically if necessary.
Any help/suggestion will be appreciated.

Thank you and Happy Christmas everybody!
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Franck Danard

Licensed User
Longtime User

Sorry to reply at this old thread, but i don't find the link where i could download it.
Or this library does no longer exist?

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Franck Danard

Licensed User
Longtime User
Ho... sorry, i had not read the content of sub.
LoadLayoutToPanel is not a library... sure, it's jsut a sub. I'm dumber.

I tried to find a way to scroll my panel easily.
I donwloaded this example :
I believe that i start to understand how to do it.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
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