Hi All,
I'm thinking of creating a vertical scrolling game, where the object you control is constantly falling & will bounce off various things & make them disappear. Kind of like a reverse Tetris I suppose.
I've been looking into various methods to present this, but I'm really only a beginner when it comes to game creation & would like a little advice/direction if anyone would care to chime in.
- Possible views so far, is using SV2D for use as a verticle scroll view, to which I may be able to add a tiled panel as the background & then add objects to that panel for interaction?
- I was also wondering about the Tiled (application) & its infinite map, but I'm not currently experienced enough to make that work (or know if it will). I've just about managed to update the Tiiled examples, but have not added my own maps yet.
- How would you set up the gravity for a game like that?
If you were going to create a vertical game, how would you set about it & what libraries would you use?
Thanks in advance for any responses. Just looking for a step in the right direction, before I go running off the wrong way.