Hello All...
I am trying to make an app which can sense if the phone has been put on a vibrating platform such as a vehicle dashboard or a car mobile holder. My idea is to start my app which is like a dashboard app which the user can use to switch on and off things like bluetooth, wifi etc easily when driving (I know this is not advisable but I would want my app to have this feature ). When searching for some idea on how to go about I stumbled upon a post in Stackoverflow with below code.. Can anyone help in pointing to a direction I should take to achieve this using accelerometer please.. Thanks. Sangee
I am trying to make an app which can sense if the phone has been put on a vibrating platform such as a vehicle dashboard or a car mobile holder. My idea is to start my app which is like a dashboard app which the user can use to switch on and off things like bluetooth, wifi etc easily when driving (I know this is not advisable but I would want my app to have this feature ). When searching for some idea on how to go about I stumbled upon a post in Stackoverflow with below code.. Can anyone help in pointing to a direction I should take to achieve this using accelerometer please.. Thanks. Sangee
public class ShakeListener implements SensorEventListener
private static final int FORCE_THRESHOLD = 300;
private static final int TIME_THRESHOLD = 100;
private static final int SHAKE_TIMEOUT = 500;
private static final int SHAKE_DURATION = 1000;
private static final int SHAKE_COUNT = 3;
private SensorManager mSensorMgr;
private float mLastX=-1.0f, mLastY=-1.0f, mLastZ=-1.0f;
private long mLastTime;
private OnShakeListener mShakeListener;
private Context mContext;
private int mShakeCount = 0;
private long mLastShake;
private long mLastForce;
public interface OnShakeListener
public void onShake();
public ShakeListener(Context context)
mContext = context;
public void setOnShakeListener(OnShakeListener listener)
mShakeListener = listener;
public void resume()
mSensorMgr = (SensorManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
if (mSensorMgr == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Sensors not supported");
boolean supported = false;
supported = mSensorMgr.registerListener(this, mSensorMgr.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER), SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME);
catch (Exception e)
Toast.makeText(mContext, "Shaking not supported", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
if ((!supported)&&(mSensorMgr != null)) mSensorMgr.unregisterListener(this);
public void pause()
if (mSensorMgr != null)
mSensorMgr = null;
public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy)
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event)
if (event.sensor.getType() != Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if ((now - mLastForce) > SHAKE_TIMEOUT)
mShakeCount = 0;
if ((now - mLastTime) > TIME_THRESHOLD)
long diff = now - mLastTime;
float speed = Math.abs(event.values[SensorManager.DATA_X] + event.values[SensorManager.DATA_Y] + event.values[SensorManager.DATA_Z] - mLastX - mLastY - mLastZ) / diff * 10000;
System.out.println("SPEED OF THE VIBRATION "+speed);
if (speed > FORCE_THRESHOLD)
if ((++mShakeCount >= SHAKE_COUNT) && (now - mLastShake > SHAKE_DURATION))
mLastShake = now;
mShakeCount = 0;
if (mShakeListener != null)
mLastForce = now;
mLastTime = now;
mLastX = event.values[SensorManager.DATA_X];
mLastY = event.values[SensorManager.DATA_Y];
mLastZ = event.values[SensorManager.DATA_Z];