B4J Question Videoconferencing and simultaneous translation


Licensed User
Using the various translation and text-to-speech services offered in the cloud (Google Translation api, Microsoft Translation text api, ecc...), how can we create a platform that allows videoconferencing between two or more users, and simultaneous translation into the user's language?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I don´t think this will be an easy task.
- You need to get a capture of a lifestream to send it to any of the cloud services
- You need to await the response
- You need to create a new stream with the aditional informations. I don´t know if you can add subtitles or if you want to add the tanslation in spoken form. The same video you captured need to recalculated/recreated to stream to others.

All in all it will be very difficult tasks to solve first.
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Licensed User
I seem to remember that some examples of videoconferences can be found on B4X web site
But I have never seen anything about the language translation part
It would be interesting to at least understand how to structure the project
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