Greetings, I have already read a lot on the subject that: in a webview can not display a PDF, some indicate that it can be done with a plugin or third party component, but no one explains how to do it. Could you tell me please, how to display a PDF in a webview (ok, I know that apparently you can not with a webview), but at least with a plugin, An example please,
This is a wrap for a PDF-View which is based on PDFium. It is based on these two Github-Projects: Pdfium and Android PDF-View The PDF-View is based on Pdfium 1.9 The Library, resp. the Natives inside, are 64bit Compliant btw. It supports Horizontal and Vertical scrolling, Pagesnap. PDFium...
This is a wrap for a PDF-View which is based on PDFium. It is based on these two Github-Projects: Pdfium and Android PDF-View The PDF-View is based on Pdfium 1.9 The Library, resp. the Natives inside, are 64bit Compliant btw. It supports Horizontal and Vertical scrolling, Pagesnap. PDFium...
Excellent friend, thanks, I'll try it, just one doubt: apparently it reads the PDF from the device storage, that's fine, but: can you view the PDF from a url on the Internet without downloading it previously...?