Views Designer - Mobile version (WIP)

Jim Brown

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I've always liked the idea of being able to design layouts directly from my Android devices (phone/tablet) whilst on the go, then being able to later generate B4A source code for pasting straight into a project

PREVIEW (YouTube) - Views Designer (Mobile app) for B4A

Whilst I have such a WIP project going on at the moment there is one major sticky area I need help with:

What is the best method to transfer data (raw text) from an Android device to a desktop PC?
What I plan is for the app to generate B4A source code. This code can then be pasted directly into a project


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Since the idea is a mobile design platform, I think maintaining that mobility by emailing the attachment would be simplest. I send documents to myself in gmail all the time to access them on all my devices.
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Structure of .bal

Is it possible to have the structure of the .bal file ?
I want to try to make a designer in Linux.
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I do not understand how to read and write file .bal of B4A if I don't have its structure. If I create a file main.bal, for example, with a custom structure, I do not think B4A will accept the file when I'd be LoadLayout ("main.bal").
If you tell me the format .bal is a trade secret, I understand and I continue to use the designer integrated in B4A
So, I wonder how Jim did to create its application in the first post ?

(French, like some others...)
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I think Jim is writing the CODE (to be pasted into the activity) for the layout, rather than constructing a .bal file.
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Jim Brown

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True Kamac. My project is really for 'on-the-go' GUI designing. It works well on tablets but you just can just about get away with creating designs on a mobile (4") display. The main issue there is being able to 'touch' the little areas for re-sizing the Views on such a small screen

You can also use the Network library to connect the desktop to the device over the local network
Async Streams seems like a good fit for transferring text from Android to Desktop. I will have to play around with this though because its all new to me. Would I need to create a desktop program which waits for code being sent from the Android device though?
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