B4J Question Virtualkeyboard Raspberry


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Hi to all
I return to an old topic
With this argument: #VirtualMachineArgs: -Dcom.sun.javafx.virtualKeyboard="none"
the virtual keyboard is not activated, but it always stays that way until I comment on the argument and recompile
But if I want to enable and disable it from code how can I do that?
Sometimes I don't want that as soon as a textfield takes the focus it is activated
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The VM args are not compiled into your app. The IDE starts the java process and adds when it starts the process. In the same way that you can start any jar and pass VM and regular args.

This specific setting is equivalent to this code:
SetSystemProperty("com.sun.javafx.virtualKeyboard", "none")
With that said, I don't think that changing it at runtime will have any effect. But it is worth trying.
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The VM args are not compiled into your app. The IDE starts the java process and adds when it starts the process. In the same way that you can start any jar and pass VM and regular args.

This specific setting is equivalent to this code:
SetSystemProperty("com.sun.javafx.virtualKeyboard", "none")
With that said, I don't think that changing it at runtime will have any effect. But it is worth trying.
tried but as I knew it does not work
Thanks erel
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