Visual directory library or Functions??


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I'd like to write a shortcut program for my pocket pc... Are there any library for browsing the directory tree visually so I can select the executable file name???


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RichardW has written a rather excellent File Explorer - perhaps you could re-use some code from that(?) The items to look at first are Treeview and Nodes (from the ControlsEx B4PPC Library) and ListView from agraham's ControlsExThingy (help Andrew!) library.
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ListView from agraham's ControlsExThingy (help Andrew!) library.
ControlsExDevice (device) and ControlsExDeviceDummy (desktop) which despite the name is fully functional on the but implementing only controls also available on the device. I should really have chosen a different name other than "Dummy" but its' capability sort of grew over time.

ControlsExDesktop also has a Listview but only works on the desktop as it implements other controls only available on the desktop.


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Longtime User
Hi ZenerDiode

Thanks for the Heads up to the File Explorer... this will probably do the trick... Seems like a pot of coffee and I should be able to figure out what to snag and reuse, It is a nice App... Thanks... Andy
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