Android Question Visual views background bug

Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello, I'm here to report a bug that has been happening to me and other developers.

When using this code, together with the script designer, a visual bug happens.
Private cc As ColorDrawable
cc.Initialize2(Colors.RGB(250, 250, 250), 5dip, 2dip, Colors.RGB(214, 214, 214))
EditText1.Background = cc
EditText2.Background = cc

On designer script


EditText1.SetLeftAndRight(15%x, 43%x)
EditText1.SetTopAndBottom(25%y, 35%y)

EditText2.SetLeftAndRight(47%x, 85%x)
EditText2.SetTopAndBottom(25%y, 35%y)

this bug happens, when i focus on the edittext.
later focused, the field stay with this visual bug.

I believe it is something related to the script designer, because if I remove the code from the script, the bug doesn't happen.

another way to fix this problem is to do this.
Private cc, cc2 As ColorDrawable
cc.Initialize2(Colors.RGB(250, 250, 250), 5dip, 2dip, Colors.RGB(214, 214, 214))
cc2.Initialize2(Colors.RGB(250, 250, 250), 5dip, 2dip, Colors.RGB(214, 214, 214))
EditText1.Background = cc
EditText2.Background = cc2

happens in new projects, just create a new project, add 2 edittext, put the code above and you will see the bug.

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