voice recognition questions


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I've been experimenting with the voice recognition example on here and I don't see a way to detect when the google VR comes back with "no matches found" or to cancel it programmatically after some time out. Sorry if I've missed the obvious, but can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!


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Thanks Erel, in my testing however, when there are no matches found a dialog appears an says "No matches found" with the choice of "speak again" or "cancel". the vr_result of success (true or false) is not passed to the handler until "cancel" is pressed. This prevents my having programmatic control of the VR function. Other apps are able to create their own dialogs if at all, to do their own timeouts, and to terminate the function at will. It would be nice to be able to do the same. In any case, I was simply exploring the functionality of the VR object and don't have a serious use for it at the moment, so not sure any improvements are needed at this point. Besides, I'm sure you have lot's of other things to keep you busy, and all the work you do is definitely appreciated!
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I tried the VR Example today, but get the message "Voice recognition is not supported." This was done using the emulator on a Vista machine with it's VR in listening mode. Does this only work on a real device? Thanks.
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