Android Question Wait For B4XPage_PermissionResult


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Have been struggling with this for years. It seems to work, then not. Always works in a "small project", but keeps somehow mutating in the projects I care about.

Have watched this so many times:
I have also repeatedly watched the micro-video of one of the Erel(s) typing out the Permission_Result line. How do you pause that?

ALL THIS WORKS FINE ON A FRESH INSTALL OF THE APP. It does not work on all subsequent instances.

In the following example, Wait For B4XPage_PermissionResult is definitely not waiting. From the log, I see all kinds of resuming and pausing, but the app blows right past the WAIT even though the permission has not been granted.
Private Sub CheckPermissions As ResumableSub
    Dim fLocation As Boolean = Starter.rp.Check(Starter.rp.PERMISSION_ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION)
    If fLocation = False Then
        Dim Args() As Object = Array("CheckPermissions", -1 , -3)
        Wait For (WaitKbd(Args, Null)) complete (rValue As WaitKbdType)
        If rValue.Tag <> -3 Then
        End If
        Wait For B4XPage_PermissionResult(Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
        Log("After Permission Wait")
        If Not(Result) Then
            Dim answ As Object
            answ = xui.MsgboxAsync("App cannot be used without permission.  Please restart and grant access.","Permissions Defect")
            Wait For (answ) Msgbox_Result (exitResult As Int)
        End If
    Else    '    permission already granted
    End If
    Return True

End Sub

I have tried putting public rp in MainPage and Starter (because everybody else seems to). Same result.


rValue.Tag = -3
** Activity (main) Pause event (activity is not paused). **
*** mainpage: B4XPage_Disappear [mainpage]
*** mainpage: B4XPage_Background [mainpage]
*** newuser: B4XPage_Background [mainpage]
MAIN PAGE: Permission Result = falseThis is fired in Main module in Activity_PermissionResult. Result is CORRECT.
*** mainpage: B4XPage_PermissionResult [mainpage]Hooray, the Delegate worked.
** Activity (main) Resume ** You lied above when you said ACTIVITY IS NOT PAUSED
B4xMain 07:39:42 Page_ResumeEnabling the above lie.
After Permission Wait But... But... I never got to converse with a Permissions Dialog?
** Activity (main) Pause event (activity is not paused). **Really? Again?

Other pertinent Stuff
Sub Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
    LogColor("MAIN PAGE:  Permission Result = " & Result, Colors.Red)
    B4XPages.Delegate.Activity_PermissionResult(Permission, Result)
End Sub

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Andrew (Digitwell)

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In your comments, you say that the first time the dialog appears, how do you respond to the dialog?

I think this is a pertinent line from Erel's tutorial: (
- Testing the permissions can be confusing as the user only needs to give permissions once. The solution is to uninstall the app from the device. Click on Ctrl + P (clean project) in the IDE and run again.

If the permission has been refused, the permission dialog is NOT normally shown again.
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I was starting off with DENY to code through all the possibilities. Got stuck on the second run when rp.Checkie correctly returned that permission is false, but rp.CheckAndRequest does not show a dialog box, and is returning a FALSE immediately.

I did not know that you had only one shot at accepting or denying a permission request. Its like that act-or-stumble-moment when you know you may never see that woman on the subway again. Could this be true? It must be the answer. Thank you.
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Andrew (Digitwell)

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As far as I am aware, yes.

I t makes sense as the user should not have to be bothered by the message after they have explicitly refused.
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