I would like to execute some code and wait for it to complete, but I can't use Wait For sub because my application is not monolithic, so I'm trying the Timer, that is when the application ends, I start a timer for some time hoping that this may be intercepted.
Unfortunately this does not work: is it a conceptual error or simply a syntax error?
Sub fgw(activ As Activity,params As String,handleSub As String)
resumable = True
Wait for fg_timer_Tick
fg_timer.Enabled = False
End Sub
If resumable Then
fg_timer.Enabled = True
End If
Thank agraham, not monolithic means that in my application I call a sub that calls other subs and it is this last that must be awaited, but it seems that Wait For can't make this. En passant I haven't find a site whit the syntax of Wait For.
Yes I have
My application is a Form Generator (that you can download from my site www.condorinformatique.com).
I call the Form generator passing the name of the sub for manage the data inserted in the form:
txtParams.Text = "Title,Title,Views creation;" _
& "Ground,FF0000FF FF404040;" _
& "T,Field,Label field,20,,Insert some text;S,Seek bar,,5,36.5,20 93;" _
& "CMB,cmb,Combo box,20,,Alpha|Beta|Delta|Gamma;" _
& "CKB,Check,,15;R,Rdb2,Status2,,Single,M:Married|S:Single|W:Widow;After,Check,cmb"
' here i would process the form's data
I would to avoid the use of this sub (handleAnswerTest in the code above)and process the data in the same sub that requested the creation of the form, but
unfortunately fg.fg makes a callsubdelayed to a sub that creates the form and exits. In other words if I wait fg.fg the wait finish before the form creation.
and without callsubdelayed,Resumable,sleep it takes so long time?
cascading resumable subs
Sub Test
Log("Test Start")
Wait For (Depth1) Complete (Result As Boolean)
Log("Result=" & Result)
Log("Test End")
End Sub
Sub Depth1 As ResumableSub
Wait For (Depth2) Complete (Result As Boolean)
Return Result
End Sub
Sub Depth2 As ResumableSub
Wait For (Depth3) Complete (Result As Boolean)
Return Result
End Sub
Sub Depth3 As ResumableSub
Log("Depth3 Ready")
Return True
End Sub
u need this wait for , resumable subs only if your sub would block the main thread and the app would not response for the user.
just creating a form at runtime should not take a long time.
maybe u misapply CallSubDelayed?
Thanks MarcusR your suggestion, I think, can works; but I wouldn't disseminate the form generator of Wait For even because the form generator is rather complex.
The timer seemed to me the simplest solution, provided that Wait For waits even when the timer is disabled.