Hi, I have a question.
I created a small project (see the attachment) where I tried to learn how to work with a subject.
I created a class where I put all the logic -the main procedure in this class calls a private sub that sends request to the server
I call this class from activity
Let say I have a list of customer's facilities and I need to send request for each co-job in customer order for each facility.
It works as I expected if I use Sleep(2000) line.
But without this Sleep line the whole workflow is broken - Sub1 never ended for Facility 1
So my question is - is there any way to check when Sub1 ended for each facility without using Sleep? I don't know number of seconds that each iteration will take and I don't want to create unnecessary delay but increasing number milliseconds for Sleep.
I created a small project (see the attachment) where I tried to learn how to work with a subject.
I created a class where I put all the logic -the main procedure in this class calls a private sub that sends request to the server
Test Class:
Sub Class_Globals
Public FacilityID As Int
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
Public Sub Sub1
Dim CoJobs As Int=2
Log("Sub1 Started for Facility " & FacilityID)
'Let say I need to call CallJob1 for each co-jobs in cutomer's order
For CoJob=1 To CoJobs
Log("CallJob1 Called for CoJob " & CoJob)
Wait For CallJob1_Complete
Log("CallJob1 Completed for CoJob " & CoJob)
Log("Sub1 Ended for Facility " & FacilityID)
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub CallJob1(i As Int)
Dim params As String
Dim j As HttpJob
Dim URL As String
params="Ticket=123&cojob=" & i
wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
Log("Response " & i)
Log(i & "Opps")
End If
End Try
End Sub
I call this class from activity
main activity:
Sub Test
Dim MyClass As clsTest
Dim Facilities As Int=2
For i =1 To Facilities
End Try
End Sub
Let say I have a list of customer's facilities and I need to send request for each co-job in customer order for each facility.
It works as I expected if I use Sleep(2000) line.
Sub1 Started for Facility 1
CallJob1 Called for CoJob 1
*** Service (httputils2service) Create ***
** Service (httputils2service) Start **
Response 1
CallJob1 Completed for CoJob 1
CallJob1 Called for CoJob 2
Response 2
CallJob1 Completed for CoJob 2
Sub1 Ended for Facility 1
Sub1 Started for Facility 2
CallJob1 Called for CoJob 1
Response 1
CallJob1 Completed for CoJob 1
CallJob1 Called for CoJob 2
Response 2
CallJob1 Completed for CoJob 2
Sub1 Ended for Facility 2
But without this Sleep line the whole workflow is broken - Sub1 never ended for Facility 1
Sub1 Started for Facility 1
CallJob1 Called for CoJob 1
Sub1 Started for Facility 2
CallJob1 Called for CoJob 1
Response 1
CallJob1 Completed for CoJob 1
CallJob1 Called for CoJob 2
Response 1
CallJob1 Completed for CoJob 2
Sub1 Ended for Facility 2
Response 2
So my question is - is there any way to check when Sub1 ended for each facility without using Sleep? I don't know number of seconds that each iteration will take and I don't want to create unnecessary delay but increasing number milliseconds for Sleep.