When my apps start I see "Waiting for IDE debugger to connect" even though I am not debugging. How do I get rid of this, I tried to read the docs but to is not clear what to do, is there a "temp.ap_" file that is the release version which will not have all this debugging info?
Hope someone could shed some light on how to make a release version of my app using basic4android.
In the IDE on top you find a drop down list with Debug / Release / Release (obfuscated).
Select Debug for debugging and Release to distribute the application.
When I try debug (rappid)on end device (AVD and real mobile connected with B4A-bridge too), then om my mobile(or AVD, or tablet) display "waiting for ide debugger to connect" and application dont work Debug(legacy) or Release work ok. So I think, that ide debugger is not connect, but I dont know why B4A is running.
I try a lot of default AVD, or my real mobile (HTC 3e EVo; and tablet Asus Prime)
So, I now create very primitiv Project. This test project has only one my order: Msgbox("Hi2","Hi").
On debug (legacy) work this project OK.
On debug (rapid) KO.
Unfiltered logs was upload as a File.
You are genius Erel! It was network problem - default configuration of Avast. When I turn Avast off, then debug (rapid) works Debug (legacy) and relase have not with runing Avast problem. Thanks a lot for Your tip;-)