German Warning#14

Sinan Tuzcu

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User

ich bekomme einfach diese Warnungen nicht weg.

Geladen werden Sie dynamisch wie folgt:
Sub ICONS_Laden
End Sub

Sub AjustaImageView(Imv As ImageView, Dir As String, FileName As String)
    Private bmp As Bitmap = LoadBitmap(Dir, FileName)
    Dim Delta, Height, Width As Int
    If bmp.Width / bmp.Height > Imv.Width / Imv.Height Then
        Height = bmp.Height / bmp.Width * Imv.Width
        Delta = (Imv.Height - Height) / 2
        Imv.Height = Height
        Imv.Top = Imv.Top + Delta
        Width = bmp.Width / bmp.Height * Imv.Height
        Delta = (Imv.Width - Width) / 2
        Imv.Width = Width
        Imv.Left = Imv.Left + Delta
    End If
    Imv.Gravity = Gravity.FILL
    Imv.Bitmap = bmp
End Sub
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