Share My Creation WayMaker GPS

A simple app to show different map views for a gps location, it can show a street view for your current location or one whose coordinates you manually enter and can also give you driving or walking directions from your current location to a destination of your choice that you select by dragging an on screen marker.

It reads a pre written html file into a string and replaces certain parts of that file with app calculated data such as your gps coordinates and screen dimensions, it is not perfect but hopefully will be of some use as an example although I admit I am far from the best programmer in the world so while the code works it may not be finely honed.

It uses three screens, screen one holds basic status information with screen two holding the map data and the third screen offering basic options such as selecting a map type as well a text area for manually entering gps coordinates. Navigation is via either button presses or swiping a finger across the screen.

It was originally intended to be a literal waymaker, as in the user could when out and about mark points on a map (mark their way) and either save these maps or send them to other users but I am not advanced enough with google maps or B4A to achieve this yet but that's the reason for the name

It is a free app I have on the Android market but if the code is of use to anyone as a stepping point for something better you're welcome to reuse it (although acknowledgement of being the original source would be nice ).



    160.1 KB · Views: 1,603
  • WayMakerGPS.apk
    121 KB · Views: 715


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Trouble uploading to Android Market

I'm having trouble uploading my little app to android market. I've turned off debug, used a correct package description, and had a correct version no. The java program validates my apk file and it loads and executes on my t-mobile G1 and some friends' late model Droids. The only message I get from Android is "upload a valid apk" without any information as to why it didn't like the apk file.

Did you use the signing method that comes with basic4android or did you do some other method?

It's not a problem as I know my potential market and can contact them directly. If you are curious, you can download the app at
Tom B


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Unless you create a licence key in b4a you need to sign your apk manually with your existing key. If you dont have one use b4a to make one for you as sounds like you are using the default one.



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App uploaded to android market

App uploaded to android market - I don't know what worked. I created another key and recompiled the app. I switched to IE 8 and it didn't want to work. I uploaded this and that and suddenly the apk file uploaded and I was able to publish FlyAwayHome.apk on android market along with my other stuff. Now it would be nice to figure out what I did. Surely switching to IE8 to do the upload and not being able to use FireFox is strange. I'll write another apk and try again.
Thanks for suggestions.

Tom B


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Hi, Mistermentality

I am trying your usefull application and I have 2 questions:
I'd like insert waypoints in your application and use it as navigator point to point. 1)Can you help me ?
2)Does Google Map stop after many map refresh ?
Thank you.


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It's something I want to add but I don't have the experience with google maps to do so at the moment. And no as far as I know Google maps does not stop after a number of map refreshes.

I did a look online and found an app for you that may do what you want without you needing to try and modify anything, its My Tracks for Android and lets you do a number of things including waypoints.



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Thank you Dave.

I tryed My Tracks but it does not allow to load multi waypoints (radar, POI and etc..).

I am looking for a solution easy to modify , anyway I'll write to you when (if) I found it.



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Is there a library missing,or just me? GPS V1 library is on.I get this error message when running.

Error description: Unknown type: turngps
Are you missing a library reference?
Occurred on line: 171
Dim turnOn As TurnGPS

in the following sub ...

Sub startgps
' This will auto start gps device on pre 2.3 Android devices
Dim turnOn As TurnGPS
GPS1.Start(0, 0)
End Sub

Does it need to be bracketed with an If for phones, like mine, running 2.3?

UPDATE: Commented out the code and it works, but then is it backwards compatible?
Last edited:

Rick in North Carolina

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As to the question about Google maps stopping after a number of map refreshes (transactions)... yes there is a limit... 25000 a day (or 2500 if styled map).

From Google: Google Maps/Google Earth APIs Terms of Service - Google Maps API Family - Google Code
10.1.1 (i) What transaction limits apply to the Maps API?
There are currently no limits on the number of web based JavaScript or Flash maps a site can generate. However the Google Maps API Web Services and Google Static Maps API do have daily limits that are specified in their documentation.

From October 1st 2011 commercial web sites and applications using the Maps API may at no cost generate:
i.up to 2,500 map transactions per day that have been modified using the Styled Maps feature
ii.up to 25,000 map transactions per day in total


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