Android Question Web address of Google Developer Console


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The web address of the site which shows my published apps and is used to publish more apps has escaped me due to crashes on multiple computers.
Please let me know the website address. Help!


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Thank you for your response.

The link you showed above is only for creating a new account.
This site reports that my telephone number of many years is invalid.

The favorites list in my browser (Edge) is gone so I can no longer use it to access the site.

The site which shows my published apps is for my accountI of several years.

I am still looking.

Walter Degler
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I am trying your suggestion. I am still having problems:

My telephone number is required but regardless of the form I enter it in, the message "Enter a valid number" appears.
I have had this phone number for about 20 years.

Also, the only way to continue past this screen is to click on the "Create Account and Pay" button
but I have an account already and it has been paid for already.

I am confused. Please advise.
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My telephone number is required but regardless of the form I enter it in, the message "Enter a valid number" appears.
I have had this phone number for about 20 years.
Just an idea. Try different phone number, say of your family member and see.
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Just an idea. Try different phone number, say of your family member and see.
Thank you for the suggestion.

However, I have already tried both my landline number and my cell phone number without success.

I see that the address of this site is the same as I previously used to display the site showing my published apps and used to publish more apps.
In short: the web site has changed!
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None of the emails in my gmail account seem to let me know what the problem is nor what to do about it.
Could you send me a copy of the email you are referring to or let me know precisely how I can reach my developers console.

I would appreciate it as I remain stopped at this time.
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The email you used to register should be getting alerts and updates from the developer's console.

or check any of your apps, in the play store, and if by chance you added a contact email, which is the same as the one you used to signup, you will see it there.

or click other options, to see if it will give you a secondary email for authentication instead of your phone number.
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I thank you for your patience.

The emails I have received from Google do not address this issue.

The issue is simply this:

Up to last month, the following address took me to my Google Play Developer site:


Now, it takes me to a site to create a new developer account instead.
I don't have a screen grab yet.

This persistent issue is keeping me awake at night.
Can you or anyone else provide a solution?

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I can confidently conclude that the Email you selected ( is not the one you used to create the Developer Account, that is why you are getting that screen.

It's the same page we are also using. The difference is the email.

In my case, When I selected a different email, it gave me the screen to CREATE A NEW DEVELOPER ACCOUNT
But when I choose the actual email i used to create the developer account from the email dropdown there, It allows me to login.

So, if you have another email apart from wdegler11, Try to enter it in the email column above
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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

The problem is solved! I accessed my Google Play Developer Console just now.
I don't know why the site showed me a very old password but another more recent one worked!!

Walter Degler
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