Web Development Is Getting Too Complex...


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Web Development Is Getting Too Complex, And It May Be Our Fault


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Hi, I hope sometime we get an integrated transpiler like B4x tools - and IDE that generate backoffice scripts, html designs, css styles, just almost ready to deploy. I did some test using Ionic (it is a nightmare), however i got at same time code for web and a pcode for generatig apk for android (I understand ionic is just code running in a embeded browser), but this is the idea. I also heard about ScriptCase (php code generator). But I hope in some future an integration using ABM o Banano.
These are just comments, I am very very happy with the B4x tools. Thanks Erel for your great work!!! ?


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I read more articles on the topic in the title.

I make my own conclusion that, we should not blame the "public" developers.

It all rooted from the giant enterprise like Google and Facebook who open sourced their problematic library and framework due to their paid developers unable to solve the problems they created.

They tried to leverage the community to help them free of charge. This is all the problem starts.

Then other developers race to create better solution with the agenda to earn money.

jQuery was working great but these developers (new frameworks) tried to sell their creation and say bad about other projects.

Every new "solution" creates another new problem.

On the other side, some hosting and database vendors tried to lock in the developers to make them highly dependent on their technology which then created "stacks".

Another problem is frontend or JS developers think that once they know JS, they literally can do any apps which JS is not designed to.

Like what you mentioned, these developers think JS can be use to build backend server, native desktop, mobile, games, AI, OS, block chain, or anything.

Some companies also tried to create no code/low code services.

All this mess should be stop.

Not sure how many developers suffered from burnout, imposter syndrome and depression.

It is good to see something like HTMX.


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I did some test using Ionic (it is a nightmare)
I understand, seeing all that Angular code freaked me out too. I have not got to a stage where I convert that to apk / ion apps as yet. I still need to learn about Capacitor etc. For now I dont need it as yet though.

The BANano experience we have had so far is rather wonderful. You just never go wrong here. Web Develop with BANano is not complex at all

Anyway, we have 2 free tools in the forum for wireframing UI using Ionic and also Tailwind

Ionic (using SithasoIONIC)

Tailwind (using SithasoDaisy)

We hope one day we get to stage where these tools generate the needed b4x layouts so that one finalizes their work in the abstract designer, if needs be. Currently it provides an Abstract Designer Guide - this is a detailed set of instructions of how to create the same UI one designed in the abstract designer, which components to use and which properties to use also.

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It all rooted from the giant enterprise like Google and Facebook who open sourced their problematic library and framework due to their paid developers unable to solve the problems they created.
Sadly these companies start things and then kill them. Thinking that the Material Design Framework is not less staffed and not being maintained anymore is a lot of red flags. Some time ago the firebase web ui received the same fate, not being maintained anymore.

Ohh yes, JQuery was working perfectly, JQuery Mobile too. I just dont understand the complexities of doing something simple with spagetti code that comes from things like React when developing UIs. However the catch with these becomes the market, which is saturated with companies that need react, angular, svelte and you know what.

And you find the devs who have to work, dont even like the tools, but because they need food on the table, they have to. A time ago Microsoft realized that using React for one of their products was not the best choice and are abandoning it for other tools. Teams for example has been found to be very slow as it works inside Electron, they want to change that.

Yes, the build up of tools like NodeJS should not be under estimated, the landscape is changing very fast and one has to jump into the wagon of evolution. Some companies are said to be dropping typescript in favour of vanilla javascript these days. I think we just need to look at what works best going forward. After all everything else has to be simple html and javascript, thus the various compilers like Babel and others.

For any web developer wanna-be, learn CSS, learn HTML, there is just no two way around it. With basic knowledge anything is possible and can make your way around all these frameworks. Some make things easier for UI creation, like tailwind, bootstrap etc, and it helps knowing what could be the ultimate cause when something just does not work like expected, because things sometimes do not work as expected.

Considering that HTML evolved from 1 to 5 as it is, things are moving and the most interesting is having the web works like its native, because people want a more nice looking, more faster web. Flutter was born out of such as an example.

What I still fail to understand is the logic of having to create all these languages that still need to be transpiled to javascript. If it will end up as javascript, why not just write it using that? Now you have to learn dart to have a javascript based application? Wow.

And google seem to have all these languages, it does not make sense. Angular, Dart, Go etc.

And then we have ability to write Pythcode code directly inside web apps. Its an interesting complex world.
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