[Web][SithasoIONIC7] - Competition - Win SithasoIONIC7 Mobile Tooltkit Each Month in 2024


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Longtime User
Hi Fam

2 individuals per month stand a chance to win the SithasoIONIC7 Mobile Toolkit.

Terms and Conditions.

1. Develop a useful wireframe of an app or simple tool with SithasoIONIC7 Wireframe App. You can get a lot of inspiration from youtube about what you can create. A lot of coders are creating Ionic7 Apps etc.
2. Recreate that wireframe with SithasoIONIC Wireframe. You can create multiple pages too if needs bee.
3. Email me your downloaded wireframe to mbanga.anele@gmial.com. I will add it to the submissions for the month.
The subject of your email should be "SithasoIONIC7 [MonthName] 2024 Competition", where MonthName can be anything between January and December

We will request Forum Members to vote for the 2 Wireframe(s) that must win that month

Tools to Use

SithasoIONIC7 Wireframes (You dont need SithasoIONIC b4xlib to use this, its freely avaialable). This is a completely FREE APPLICATION (NOT FOR RESALE)

Some Lessons on SithasoIONIC7

Tools to Win

SithasoIONIC7 Mobile Kit b4xlib

Should you have any question, hit me up.

gmail: mbanga.anele@gmail.com
mobile: +27 81 736 6739

Sithaso Holdings Team
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