Thanks for your response.
Makes no difference once my app is not "running" any more (I called finish on the last visible activity) I get no Intents (despite the fact that this same app has an unrelated foreground service running).
Refreshing or stopping the browser does not help.
Doesn't IntentService allow for such an Intent to be sent to a service ? (Or it's not meant to be used in that way)
Is there a plan to add SSL to HTTPServer ? I could use http and see if I can force the browser to allow mixed content for now.
HTTP(S) allows an easy way to communicate both ways, I can then also use the same web code for android and the pc.
HTTP worked a lot faster than intents do.
An alternate solution I've been thinking about is just listening an a port (serversocket), sending a https request to that port (it will fail but that's not really such a huge problem) and simply use the "new connection" event as a trigger to check for new tasks (wich I would then store on the server in a queue).
This is however a fairly complicated solution, still it seems doable, I think I could include data as a subdomain and SNI would allow you to read that part without SSL,
https://label123.mylocalhost.com , using a wildcard dns (not sure it this would work, but in this case I won't need a server based queue)